Angiolino - i make you my compliments

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Robyno83 - level 88 - 04/23/2018 6 years ago

Robyno83 avatar

Angiolino - I make you my compliments for your first win of the week cause you've earned
and furthermore i think that u're one of the few very serious person that plays at this game for the pleasure of playing. Very compliments again!!!! Sorry for my english, i'm italian :)
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Bakseeb - level 28 - 05/13/2018 6 years ago

Robyno83 avatar

I enjoy playing with both of you, I think you are both gentlemen (good guys).
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Robyno83 - level 88 - 05/18/2018 6 years ago

Robyno83 avatar

Thank u bakseeb 😁
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